
Current policies related to the Duke Health IRB and Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) are located here. View the complete list of policies.The policies are below, and you can search for policies in the following categories:

Legally Authorized Representative (LAR)


The policy defines a Legally Authorized Representative (LAR) and describes Investigator and IRB considerations for using the LAR in research.

Local Physician Participation

Conduct of Research

This policy outlines what the IRB requires when a research participant's local physician will be asked to conduct limited, specific, study-directed activities at a site external to Duke.  Such activities, limited in scope and approved by the DUHS IRB, might include the planned periodic administration of a study drug, or conducting study-directed follow up evaluations.

Mandatory State Reporting Requirements

State Law Considerations

The policy describes mandatory State of North Carolina reporting requirements.  A physician or other health professional must report certain conditions/circumstances/diseases to State and local agencies whether they are found in the course of non-research clinical care or as part of a research protocol. This policy relates to research-related findings that present themselves during the conduct of a protocol and must be reported outside of the institution.

Membership, Voting and Quorum for the IRB

Review by the IRB

This policy describes characteristics of the DUHS IRB membership, and processes for voting.  Also, the policy provides a definition for quorum in convened IRB meetings.

Minutes of the IRB Meetings

Review by the IRB

This policy serves as guidance for the preparation, recording and finalization of minutes for convened meetings of the Duke University Health System Institutional Review Board (DUHS IRB).

Modifications Processing Procedure

Review by the IRB

This document outlines the DUHS IRB procedure for preparing and processing the modifications (“mods”) necessary before a protocol can receive IRB approval.

Multiple Site Research

Conduct of Research

This policy describes what the IRB requires when: 1) a DUHS Investigator conducts research external to Duke, 2) a DUHS Investigator is Principal Investigator of a multi-site research project, 3) a DUHS Investigator oversees an operations or coordinating center for multi-site research, 4) a DUHS Investigator oversees a statistical center for multi-site research.  The policy also discusses IRB reliance agreements.



The policy defines non-compliance (serious or continuing) and gives examples.  The policy describes how the IRB handles allegations of non-compliance, the process for review, and actions available to the convened IRB.

Pathology Tissue/Specimen Exclusions

Conduct of Research

The link below provides information on tissue/specimens that may be excluded from routine submission to surgical pathology: navigate to the DUMC Surgical Pathology website and then scroll down to find "Duke Operative Specimen Exemption".